Sunday, April 12, 2009

We think that there should be certain limits of freedom of speech. We dont agree that people should be allowed to protest at funerals when families are trying to mourn there losses. The beliefs that this church promotes is completley astonishing. We dont thing they should be allowed to pursuade others in believing the same things they believe. Although everyone is intitled to freedom of speech, we think that there should be limits on how far people can actually go.


Your right to swing your arm ends, when the person's nose begins

Your right to kick your leg ends when you hit someone else's shins

Your right to freedom of all kind, ends when you commite a crime

Your right to freedom is granted, when you respect all in the meantime.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Amendment

We scored average on the test and we were pretty surprised by that. We thought that we knew a lot more than we did, which was disappointing. But, on the bright side, we did learn a lot about the first amendment. We didn't realize how restricted the government was from religion, and how free we were. Overall, the test really made us think about the first amendment and how we feel about it.

Flag Burning

We think that flag burning would be illegal. Flag burning symbolizes hatred for our country and although we have a lot of freedom, burning the flag is disrespectful. There are people who sacrifice their lives and leave their families for us and to burn the flag that these people cherish is cruel. Most people do not realize what affect burning the flag has on people, but when people love and look up to this country as much as the soldiers do, it is hurtful for them to see their flag getting disrespected by us. They are dying for us and the least we can do is show our gratitude towards them.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Freedom of RELIGION

Christina Watson, Anna Maiche 11:20 Class
We think that marijuana should not be legal for Rastas unless they have proof that they are truly Rastas. Since many people would use that excuse just to smoke, there should be some kind of proof so that it is purely for religion. If smoking ganja is part of their religion, then so be it. If we stop them from doing something that their religion calls for, we are going against our freedom of religion that is guaranteed to us.